
Race and IQ - Human Sciences

The article;  Should Research on Race and IQ Be Banned? 1. What is the text about?  The text shows how the  classification based on IQ by  scientists affects the social issue of racism. 2. What does it imply about knowledge in the Human Sciences?  The studies or discoveries in Human Science may affect many things, including the society, and knowledge in natural science and ethics.  3. What knowledge issues are raised by the text? Whether race, gene and  intelligence  has a connection or not. The classification based on IQ raise the issue of racism. 

Arts and Ethics

Should Art and Ethics be related?  Does art needs to be morally good to be a good art? Since art is subjective and faith can affect perception, ethics and art are related to an extent. It depends on the individual belief of the person. They are related for people who believe that morally good art is a good art. Relatively, ethics and art aren't related for those who believe that morality doesn't define "good art". The one that has the right to judge is the audience. The artists can do what ever they want, but a good art for them isn't always a good art for the audience. Thus, a good art is defined by the majority of people.

Good Art

In my opinion, all arts are good arts, so I couldn't really choose a "good art". However this time, I have found two arts that are specially "good arts" for me. The first one is the painting Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci. This painting is a good art because it can contain historical context and it acquire some mathematics. For example, this painting of a woman represents the standards of a "beautiful woman". Also, there is a golden ratio in this painting, which makes the painting looks beautiful to human's eyes. There are more things can be read from this painting and there are even books just about this painting.  The second one is a music called Erlkönig by Franz Schubert. Erlkönig was originally a poem written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, which depicts the death of a child assailed by a supernatural being.  Click to listen on YouTube I personally think that the music version was better than the original poem because of ...

Morality and Science

Scientists generally gain new knowledge through experiments. Those experiments can sometime be harmful to other individual. However, new knowledge can be earned through it. Then, is morality necessary in science? or does morality need to be valued in science? My answer is, morality doesn't have a role in science. With molarity, there  won't be a process in science. If scientists care too much about morarity or ethics, there wouldn't be as much experiment as there is today. For example, in the case of Dr. James Marion Sims , many women were being used for  Sims to figure out how female body work. Those women were enslaved, so they had no rights to reject. The experiment harmed them, but Gynaecology was born, which helps women today through medication.  If  Sims valued morality or ethics, he wouldn't harm those enslaved women and in result, the world wouldn't know about  female reproductive systems.  In that case some women today will suffer wi...

I believe in Hypnotism

Claim: "Hypnosis can make hypnotized people to obey the hypnotist." I believe in Hypnotism, which isn't science. I believe it because I have seen many videos of people hypnotizing other people. Even though it could be fake and there is no scientific evidence for it, I haven't found any evidence that disprove the claim. Since I don't have any reason to say that the claim isn't true, I believe that it can't be disproved. Also, it has been popular since the  ancient Egyptians era, and that  strengthen my "belief" . "Ambiguity distracts the conscious mind." - Franz Mesmer (Franz Memer  started investigating the effect of hypnosis, which he called "animal magnetism". It was first used by the ancient Egyptian for healing using altered state of consciousness in their sleep temples. )